Thursday, October 19, 2006

Thank You little town!

I have been told by several that used to live in the small town of Valparaiso that it is No place they want to live because they just cant seem to find happiness here. Some have gone so far as to say that there is a "spiritual oppression" over the city. LOL! Now, I can understand that some people will find their nitch in other places so I get that. Now the "spiritual oppresion" thing I have a hard time swallowing, but whatever. Have those people ever been to Houston? ANyway, I am feeling pretty content in my life as of now. I mean, my freinds and family keep moving away from me and I still have some pretty big goals I would like to acheive but overall this season of my life is good. I was talking to my sister in law the other day on the phone and I suddenly realized how grateful I am to be in a place where I have Lots of people around me that are like minded. Now, I know that most people surround themselves with people that are similiar in values, beleifs and lifestyles but I realize as I talk to Elizabeth in some places those people are MUCH harder to find. Now, I am not talking politics and religion nesasarilly though sometimes that is a natural side effect. At this stage in my life my values in raising children are my big soap box issues because that is what I spend my time doing. All of the people that I spend my time with (for the most part) parent simaliarly to Daniel and I. We try to give our children the very best we can emotionally and nutritionaly and realize that for a season in our lives we have to be a little less selfish with our time as well as our bodies. Breastfeeding and attatchment parenting are a few examples. All of this seems natural to me. Instead of ignoring my natural instincs as a mother I feel I should listen to the cries and needs of my children and at the same time grow in becoming a less selfish person. (I think that is whay we have kids :) ) Anyway, I notice the more I talk to Elizabeth in Rocky Mount, she is having a hard time finding people on the same page as she is. Breastfeeding alone is much less common it seems and I think when they saw her wear Zachery in a sling they must have thought she was from Africa. HaHa! Even down to simple things like nutrition. Their church secretary called her extremley health conscious because she didnt want her 3 yr old having Pepsi in Sunday School. LOL! Who gives someone elses 3 yr old Pepsi?? Isnt that something you would leave to a Parent to decide.
Wow, I said all that really just to say thank you to my small town and all of the people that surround me in my life here. Oh, and Thanks for continuing to check my blog even though I am completly lame and cant post more than once or twice a month! :) Thanks for sticking with me!


Elizabeth F. said...

Everything that Sara said about me and Rocky Mount is true! LOL! I am having a hard time adjusting, especially since I am a pretty out-going person, but despite that I can't seem to make any friends. :( People are just not educated about parenting issues or nutrition. On top of that, people here are just not accepting of people outside of their norm, and do not exemplify the Southern hospitatlity that you hear about in the movies. With all of that said, our family is in a good place (emotionally, financially, etc...) and I know that God has a purpose for us to be here. Pray that He will reveal that to us soon!

Annette said...

I absolutely would not give my 3 year old Pepsi. I would never give anyone else's kids pepsi. I won't even kid them a cookie without making them ask their parents first. Why in the world would anyone serve Pepsi at sunday school. What happend to our bodies are temples and all that stuff? A piece of candy...ok...but Pepsi and a buffet of sugar treats...come on! I know it's the south and they are all about "comfort food" but good grief!

Sarafu said...

Yah, the Pepsi thing is pretty ridiculous!
As for Southern Hospitality, I am not sure what the deal is there. I truly think its still out there. Maybe you have to venture deeper south I guess. That is one of the things i miss about TX. I remeber when I moved up here I thought people were socially inept because they would say whatever they thought whether it was rude or not. I'm much more used to it now but I miss the courtesy sometimes! :)

Sarafu said...

Oh, and just for the record,I know that you guys are in a better spot for your family finacially and emotionaly and that you are totally going to be blessed for making the move and being obediant to God. Dont lose hope, you have just got to find your nitch!
But if you dont, there is always Valpo....Just kidding! HeeHee!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sara... Thanks for the prediction... :) I REALLY hope I don't go until Nov 4th, but hey, it could happen. I'm just so stinking uncomfortable. The past few days have been getting increasingly more and more uncomfortable. I wouldn't mind that much if I were induced, especially if I am late. And it's epidural all the way. You're probably a natural all the way gal, but not me. Unless I'm magically dialated to 9 when I get to the hospital, epidural will probably be the first word out of my mouth.
And yeah, thanks for predicting a small baby--I'm pretty sure I couldn't pop out a 9 pounder. And if this belly is holding a 9 pound baby, it'll be quite a shock!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and can you email me Desi's snail mail address?

Sarafu said...

Hhahahahahahahahahhahahaha!!!!!! Thats a compliment that you think I could get through childbirth without an epidural!! I would love to do that someday but as of yet I still have WAY too much pain during labor to hold out for no drugs. I go into it pretty open minded though and have never been firm on having an all natural delivery. I am an advocate on wanting to go into labor naturally BUT I also know what its like when your 9 months pregnant and you will do ANYTHING to get that baby out! :) TRUST ME though, going into labor naturally without pitocin is much better, even with the epidural! Of course, in the case of Elizabeth, her body REFUSES to do it on its own and you have to do whatever poissible to coax her babies out into this world!

Sarafu said...

Hey Birdie, have those people who predicted the 9 pound baby seen your tiny bumb?

Anonymous said...

sara you know i'm kindof anal about organic food and breastfeeding and all that...THE SOUTH WOULD HATE ME:) poor elizabeth, i was ready to walk into that church secretary's office myself, maybe even with pamphlets or something to show that THEY'RE THE ONES WHO ARE BACKWARDS!!!!!

Elizabeth F. said...

Thanks for all of the support you guys! I love that you were as upset as me! I do feel better after venting about it. (Read my blog for the complete story!)

Anyway, my body likes to keep babies in there for 10+ mos. I think I'd still be pregnant with Zachary if it weren't for the Pitocin. But, if this is your first baby, I say wait it out and see what your bady can do. Labor Pains are nothing naturally compared to pain on a Pit drip!!! I have had 3 different experiences with Pitocin. You will not be pregnant forever. It may feel like it right now, but we all promise that you won't!!! :-) As for big babies, my Xander was 10 lbs. and I couldn't believe it. He, by far, was an easier delivery than the other two. So, size doesn't always mean everything. It just scares mama to be. I will always remember Xander being born was bigger than Jack at 2 weeks old! It was hilarious. Little old man next to Sumo baby.

Sarafu said...

LOL! That is exactly what they looked like! By 6 months though they had switched places, Xander was a peanut and Jack was the sumo baby.

levi fuson said...

i will keep my comments about southern hospitality to myself. elizabeth, i would have ripped that lady a new bung hole.

sara - valpo is a great little town, i was really bummed when I realized i didn't fit there. i loved that town. i am really glad you are liking it.


Anonymous said...

well then, as long as no one is serving cigarettes and beer in sunday school i say live and let live i guess:) (unless it's the GROWN-UP classes, in which case i'd probably sign up...)

levi fuson said...


to some degree I would agree, unless we're taling about people from South Carolina or Arkansas. :) THEMS IS JUS INBREDS DOUN DERE.



Anonymous said...

levi--there's inbreds in indiana too, have you ever been to wheatfield? south of hwy 30 is a whole other way to live, that's all i'm sayin:)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, my parents live south of 30.

Anonymous said...

my sister does too, and she's the first to admit there's some...differences... :)

Elizabeth F. said...

Raleigh is a whole different place to live than Rocky Mount. Sadly, I have discovered that RM is like a cultural vacuum. You are either from RM or you are not. It's hard to find a niche here as an outsider. It's really wierd! You know we are "Yankee's" or "Northerners". I tell them IN is in the Mid-west!

It is harder than you might think to find another church. We are still on that journey, but most churches here do not believe in what we do...or I just can't stand their worship style etc...I have one more church to try. We had a guest Pastor this past week that gave a sermon that you cannot be a Christian and drink, smoke, etc...All of the "elders" were Amen'ing. I think that is the general thought here. This did not go over well with us. I really want to go to the Raleigh Vineyard, it's just a little too far to drive every week.
I love NC, and I'm sorry for bashing RMount, but it is always hard when you move to transition into your new life. I find myself wanting to get to Raleigh as much as possible. There's just so much more there, better restaurants, shopping, I just love Raleigh. RMount is just going to have to grow on me! he..he...

Elizabeth F. said...

Oh...and I do have to say that in IN I never saw anyone giving their babies soda or kool-aid in a bottle. Here, it's a whole different story!It probably has alot to do with the area I'm in, but I can't help but be shocked!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry..But I could understand "cultural" differences in child feeding between countries, but not between states. No more soda are kool aid are consumed in NC than in IN. And Elizabeth, you have a southern accent and you're from NC..Stick up for your state!

Annette said...

I disagree! There are totally diffrences between STATES! When I first moved to WA state I worked with a kids camp. These kids were diffrent than any kid I've ever met before. They came to camp with their own snacks (marinated tofu on organic crackers and a nalgene bottle full of water) When we got to the camp out night...only a hand full of them ate the s'mores. Some opted for fruit because they are not allowed to eat "processed sugars" some even went as far as to bring their own organic mashmellows and ate them on rice cakes! Come on! Who the hell sends their kid to camp with rice cakes? That's just rediculous! One s'more is not going to kill your kid! I don't have a problem with any of these peoples feelings or how they raise their kids. I'm just saying there are major diffrences between states. Culturally they are very diffrent! In Texas I never once saw people broadcasting their opinions or "stirring the pot" of politics. In Washington people protest daily. On my way too and from work I pass at least two protest groups...complete with wooden coffins, flags and costumes...this month they are protesting the war...after the war they will protest something else.

There is a cultural adjustment whenever you move...even to another city. Cut Elizabeth some slack, Amy. It's not that easy. How many times have you moved states in your life?

Anonymous said...

especially when your loyalties are torn; elizabeth's southern relatives say "don't be a yankee" and we northern friends say "elizabeth don't go back to the south!" sorry e, on behalf of all of us. you're just so popular:)

John F. said...

OK this issue is over Ez loves both states, She just has some issues adjusting to ROCKY MOUNT, Raleigh is a whole differant world. Please no more suger for any of you. Thank you

Sarafu said...

WOW! I go on vacation for a week and this topic explodes! :) Moving and finding your niche in a place is hard and that is what you guys are trying to do. I know that you will eventually find something but it will I'm sure still be different than it was here. Different places (Cities, states and countries) are just that.... Different! Accents, food, culture, it all varies from state to state. Amy, dont think that we are smashing the South. I LOVE THE SOUTH!! THere are things about the midwest that I I find strange and annoying as well but I didnt grow up here so its stuff I am not used to. E, I completley understand what your saying and dont feel bad about venting! :)
Annette, that camp story cracks me up!!!! Everytime I go to the sotore and buy my organic stuff the cashier always looks at it and goes "what is this stuff? we sell this? Oh, did you get it from that real healthy section?" LOL! I bet your grocery stores ROCK!!!

Anonymous said...

FYI the Super K in Portage doesn't sell organic at all. I know this (funny story) because at last spring I went there with the guy I was seeing, with our 5 kids who we always buy organic for, and the only reason we went there was because we had just finished hanging out at John and Elizabeth's and it was close to Portage. 7 of us come walking in there looking for the organic section and when we asked, the employees were like "the what? organic? what's that? don't you have to go to the health food store for that?" yes, forgive the hippies for invading Portage k mart wanting something healthy, we'll go elsewhere...

Elizabeth F. said...

That's hilarious! You usually can get Organic in most places...some places the selection is just wider than others. But to have NONE! Wierd. I do know that our K-mart here in RM, which is a regular K-MArt does have that Organic Raisin BRan Cereal and all of the other ones that they just came out with. But that's about it.

You know, I think it is much more fun, cost effective, and probably healthier if you have a Farmer's Market in your area. I love to support local farmers and it is usually cheaper too. They usually pick the stuff that morning so it's super fresh too!!!

Anonymous said...

easier said than done when its 39 out...oh that's right you're a southerner again and don't have 39 degree weather!!! wait...did our topic just come full circle? lol

Elizabeth F. said...

it just keeps going and going!!! LOL! The Farmer's AMrket here is open right up until Christmas. I guess they sell Pumpkins and Christmas trees and stuff. Not only do they sell produce but also homemade goods like soap, baked items (yummy home-made by grandmas that you can pretend that you made when entertaining...)honey, and pottery. The gal eho sells pottery is also the worship leader at our church. Oh wait! Now we have come full circle!

Sara, you really need to post something or soon you will have 35 comments here! LOL!

patty said...

Okay, when Day and I lived in the south, we experienced NO southern hospitality at all. He was told by 2 SOUTHERN gal co-workers that it's called "the velvet hammer." all sweet and cushy to your face then you turn around to leave and WHACK in the back of the head.......yeah........I can tell the whole story if anyone wants to hear it......Sara better post soon. i think this is comment 30.

Anonymous said...

nothing to say today, i just wanna be #31.....

Anonymous said...


patty said...


patty said...


patty said...

.......and.........35....NYaH nynah nyahhhhhhh

Elizabeth F. said...

#36...we surpassed my prediction!
Glad that Sara posted something else for us to talk about.