Friday, August 12, 2005

You know what I Love......

BEWARE...Before you read this.....Its just a lot of venting!
I just love it when people are SO eager to give out parenting advice!! Actually, its the people that don't actually give advice but just smile at you with that "Oh, your so young and you have no idea what your sad" smile on their face. For all of you who have kids, you know the look. The look they give you when you discipline you child in front of them or they find our that you sleep with your 2 year old or you nursed past the 1 year mark. God forbid you do anything out of the "norm of American society". (Because that is sure to produce one stand up kid) I think that thing that urkes me the worst is that its 1) done under their breath with a patronizing smile that says "I'm better than you" and 2) Its not done by people who have grown children who have experience.(most of the time) Its done by, my personal favorite, people who don't have children, or people who are in the same stage of life as you, Young adults with small children. How does that make sense? How are those people any more qualified to make a judgment on how to raise My child. I am pretty sure that people think that we don't make decisions about parenting through our convictions but through just plain laziness and ignorance. I know that we all have our misconceptions and our downfalls but when it comes down to it we are all trying to do the best we can For our children. Isn't that what matters. I could go on but I think that everyone gets my drift. Anyway....I just really had to get that off of my chest....Whew...I feel better now! :) Thanks for listening to my vent session!


Mrs. Sara said...

Preach it, sister! :) Haters beware!
Sara Wu

levi fuson said...

" I know that we all have our misconceptions and our downfalls but when it comes down to it we are all trying to do the best we can For our children. Isn't that what matters."

Totally. Right on.

Your a great parent no matter what daniel says. ;)


Sarafu said...
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Sarafu said...


Anonymous said...

For the record, I never said that.

Anonymous said...

uhhhhh....yeah....what she said :o)