Saturday, November 06, 2004

How did we get here?

Lord, do I need to vent!! As much as I Love my family I fear a brother of mine has turned into the very thing that he hated the most. He would pee his pants if he saw this but he has to know deep down that his posts and logic sounds a lot like my fathers. No, he may not be the jerk of a husband and a dad but he has taken his stance on politics and religion apparently.Somewhere along the lines his standards got all jumbled up. I'm not saying that we all have to agree on politics and religion. But if you are going to take the stand for Christ you have to base your convictions on a biblical standard for life. If I see a non Christian with a flawed view of man and govt and they are living their life without God it makes me sad because they don't have a foundation and a standard to live by ( a biblical one anyway) Whereas when I see a Christian rationalizing crap and spending life justifying and making everything relative so that it fits into their little idea a good life, I just don't have the grace. When you compare the taking of human life to the environment...C'mon....thats crap!!!! Anyway, when do we get to the point where we just sit and trust God. Why do people have to go out and search for something better or more interesting. Is it just because they like to question, are they trying to fill some sort of void? When you really look into all this post modern stuff it sounds great on the surface but when you dig deep and get into all this pluralism and relativity it gets really fishy! Is this the modern day hippie? Ok, I'm done now. And hey, Lee if you read this, I love you dude but you gotta help me out here cause you don't sound like the man that left here 2 years ago. Remind me not to let anyone I know move out to Cali! :)


Sarafu said...

I agree that non christians have a foundation, its just not a Godly foundation. I dont dont mean to say that those who live differently are rude or idiots. My problem is with the people that Know better! Its when you have seen the truth and then turned your back and walked away. Dont get me wrong, I know that everyone doesnt agree with me and I dont think that the people who choose different doctrines to live by are idiots. Its just hard sometimes when you want better for someone.

Sarafu said...

I need to constantly remind myself that I cant change everyone hearts and minds and all I can do is teach by example and pray. Your right, in the end it all comes down to free will and Thanks for reminding me of that!! :)