Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Amazing Love

I was watching GMA this morning and they were doing a segment to advertise their "PRIMTIME" tonight and I needed to talk to someone about it because its a subject I love diving into. Well, no one was around to talk to so I decided to blog about it. :)
So there is a Primetime special on this evening following a 15 yr old girls journey as she places her baby into the arms of another family to raise. Watching the segment this morning stirred up alot of emotions because I grew up in the middle of situations like this and I sincerely hope that this special shows what an incredible, sacrificial love that is behind adoption. For those of you who dont know I spent years, as a teen, living in a maternity home (Father Heart) where my mother was the "house mom" as well as the case worker, etc.. There were girls ranging in age from 13 to 30 and all had different plans. None of them were ever persuaded to do anything other than look at both options ahead of them, parenting and placing. I have been with lots of teens as they go through the process of choosing what is best for their baby and then watched them mature overnight as they actually have to follow through. It is one of the most Amazing, yet gut wrenching, things to watch a 15 year old girl place her baby into the arms of another woman, entrusting her with her most precious possession. It drives me out of my mind when I hear women say, "I dont know how someone gives their baby away, I could never do that". They act like its some selfish act and these girls deserve more respect than that! Its one of the most selfless acts that a mother could ever do and I wish people saw it that way as opposed to the thoughtless way that people choose to view it. I mean, c'mon, if a girl (especially this day in age) actually decides to go through her pregnancy and give another family a gift that they are not able to have on their own. That sounds pretty incredible to me, selfish isnt the word that comes to mind. :) Anyway, another soapbox of mine! Anyway, you should all watch tonight, hopefully it portrays it well and shows the heart behind these amazing girls, whether they go through with it or not. Do any of you have any first hand experience with any of this or been near it at all? What are your opinions?


Mrs. Sara said...

I could never have given a baby away. Not because it's selfish, but because it would have taken a strength that I'm not sure I have.

Sarafu said...

That, I understand. Unfortunatly Most people dont say it like that and it is said with more of a judgmental tone.
I also prefer to use different terminology because I dont view it as girls "giving" their baby away. I always prefer to use the phrase "placing their baby".

levi fuson said...

i don't know though, i have always heard only benificial comments toward women who place thier baby. even from pro choicers....


Sarafu said...

I think I get it mostly from women who are already mothers who cant imagine doing it or maybe just uneducated people. Sometimes, I think, people dont say it out meanness nesasarilly, perhaps its just ignorance.

Mrs. Sara said...

Maybe. The funny thing is, I have heard people say they could never give their baby away, and every single time I've heard it (though it hasn't been often) it's been from a woman who may have done better for their children if they had placed them in a home where they could be cared for properly. Ya know, clothed and fed on a regular basis and not had a stream of random men sleeping over with their mommy. Sigh.

Jenny W said...

there's a dear friend in our family who was molested at 14 and got pregnant, here in northwest indiana in the early 70s. there were NO SERVICES for her. fortunately the month before she delivered she did find somewhere healthy and safe to have her baby, and they helped er find a family to raise him. happiest ending of all is that she found that baby boy 25 years later and now they live in the same town and she gets to be grandma to his babies! even in "cases of rape and incest" adoption IS THE BEST choice.

Sarafu said...

Ughhh, I am watching this and Bawling...good lord, it brings back so many memories! I miss my mom!

Marion Burgos said...

What an awesome thing to be a part of literally saving babies, and to witness that as a teen. I know that if more teens saw that kind of love and compassion, and acceptance, they would be able to easily choose to give their babies life...My mother was a counselor in a crisis pregnancy center for years, and I know from friends in highschool, that there is a fear and judgement for teen girls who get pregnant...places like that show them a love they've never experienced--His love.